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Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog 8


Oedipus the King and Movie Minority report, connection with for telling the future

Texts Plato’s excerpt and out of class movie the Matrix

Blog 8

In class we have discussed about 3 movies and 4 texts. There have been many connections and ideas that came up over and over again. Such as in ‘Oedipus the King’ and the movie Minority report. There was a huge similarity and an idea that stood out to me the most.  Oedipus was told that he was going to commit a crime by killing his father and having kids with his mother. He couldn’t bear to hear this so he got away from the people he thought to be his real parents.  Every action led to a step closer to his fate and for the prophecy to come true. In the movie, the pre-cogs told the future and they help stop crimes before they happened. But every future that was told was sure to happen but ONE. The main character John Anderson was said to commit a murder but he didn’t. He stopped himself before he actually did it. He had a choice and so did Oedipus. Oedipus could have stopped himself from killing his father but he didn’t. For a person that was told that he was going to kill his own father, I would have stayed away from getting angry and actually killing anyone at all. I choose this idea because it came out to me the most how when someone tells you your future and you really want to change it you can do so if you really want to, how a person has free will to think and act like they want to but to an extent of course. No one can really predict the future. We have in our hands our own outcome. We can choose from many different options, there isn’t always just two. In class we discussed about this topic and I couldn’t stop thinking and coming up with my own ideas why it is the way it is. The way we were programed was to have our own minds and having to choose our own decisions. No one else chooses but us. This brings up another connection to mind as well. In the movie Gattaca Vincent made his own future come alive. He always dreamed about being in space and everyone else told him otherwise but he didn’t stop until he made it. His future came true because of the choices he made throughout the movie.  

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