The movie "Minority Report" and the play 'Oedipus the King' both have main characters and how they each experienced free will and determinism. In the Article "Free will and determinism in the world of minority and report" expands on the situation and how each person has their own choices for their own actions.
In the movie "Minority Report" they have a pre-crime system. They have pre-cogs that for see the future and see crimes before they are committed. So they arrest people that haven't even committed any crime. I agree that it is unfair to arrest someone before they even do anything but in a way this program has saved millions of people in the movie. In the article "Free will and determinism in the world of minority report" explains "The fact that you prevented it from happening doesn't change the fact that it was going to happen." I agree with this statement completely. Everything that was meant to be is going to happen. No one knows if that person was going to change their mind.
In The play "Oedipus The King" Oedipus' parents gave him away because of the prophecy that was told that Oedipus was going to kill his dad and have kids with his mother. So they sent him away. Free will might have interfered with the prophecy . Who said that the prophecy was true? Only the person has the choices. Oedipus parents had the choice and they chose to get rid of their son because of what someone else said. Just like in the movie Howard Marks had a choice. The precogs saw the future and it was that he was going to kill his wife and her lover but who really knew it was going to happen? they arrested him before he even did anything. he could have changed his mind at any moment.
Blog #10
12 years ago
This is a 300-word entry for an assignment with a 500 word minimum, and thus not satisfactory. There is not enough development of the contrast between the two texts, Word verification is STILL not disabled.