My Blog List

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog #1

At one point of my life I grew up thinking everyone around me had the same exact religion. My mom would talk to me about God and Jesus so I thought everyone on this planet believed in the same God I believe in. As I got older I started realizing everyone believes in different things. Some people are even Atheists and believe that a God does not exist.  There are so many religions that I can’t even name them all. With my experience I do respect everyone who doesn’t believe in the same thing I do because they grew up in that way.

I remember when I was about 9 years old I had this girl in my class named Salma, every single person in my class would make fun of her because she dressed differently and because she had a hijab on all the time. They would continue laughing and it would break my heart to see her shed tears because of everyone criticizing her all the time. Sometimes I thought she was just going to explode. So one day I walked up to her thinking my classmates were going to criticize me as well but I didn’t really pay too much mind to it. I finally had the guts to talk to her. I found out as I was speaking to her that she was just like everyone else. She had a good personality and I really liked talking to her. I conversations grew and grew.  She invited me over one day and I would see statues of people with trunks or people with four arms so I asked her what they were and she told me that was what they believed in. she would say that was their Gods. I was so amazed and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought to myself and it doesn’t really matter where you are from or what you believe in everyone id human and deserve to be treated equally. That’s when I realized how different each religion is.

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