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Monday, September 26, 2011

Summary of "The Allegory of the Cave"

   In Plato's “Allegory of the Cave” the prisoners are chained up and they believe that this world is reality. This dark cave has hold of all these prisoners who cant move in any way. They are chained up against the wall and they have no way to escape. There is always a truth behind the shadows of the walls. They have been living this way their whole lives and wont be able to adapt to a whole new bright world. All these prisoners can get a glimpse of is the shadows in front of them. Socrates explains to Glaucon that the prisoners living in such terror wouldn't be able to face what lies beyond this cave. They would be terribly frightened and they will suffer sharp pains with just the sight of the light. They would never accept anything that isn't their illusion and their comfort zone , what they've been used to their whole lives.
     The prisoners will have to grow accustomed to where they are rather then the darkness of the cave. They rather stay in what they've known for so long then enter a world of confusion and be unbelievably appalled to what they see. All their lives they been in this cave and they wouldn’t be able to handle anything that isn't familiar. If one of the prisoners was able to escape and have the gift of freedom they would be amazed in what they would see. As he continues to analyze he will come back to the company of the other prisoners and explain what he saw. They would not be convinced of any of this non sense. If anyone on this earth would live all their lives in a specific place, even if its horrifying or outstanding they wouldn’t be able to adjust to anything else rather the what they've been used to their whole life or they'll take quit a while to adapt to the change.

Blog 2: The Allegory of The Cave through History

   Since the 16th century people believed that California was separated from the North American Mainland.  They even had Maps showing California parted and now in the 21st century, people find this humorous.  Even through the 18th century Europeans still were showing this ridiculous theory on Maps. People in those times had no idea that what they believed in was completely false.  There was even a rumor that California was a paradise.  This myth was one of the most famous cartographic errors in history.  They believed that black women lived on this island with no men among them.  There were about 100 maps drawn out of California being separated between 1625-1770. During this time many mapmakers disagreed but never actually brought it up to the rest of the world; so there was a lot of confusion during the 17th century. 
     This shows that people believe what everyone else around them believes.  For many years people were ignorant on this topic until they finally realized in 1774-1776 that what they have known was false. California was not separated from the rest of North America. All those intelligent map makers and people who went on expeditions were completely wrong. Because of the expeditions of Juan Bautista De Anza we all we opened to the truth. People have illusions and they are mostly all false but they don’t have others that really do know the truth. Even if they told them they probably would deny it automatically because they’ve known that truth for most of their lives. I also have an illusion, if anyone else told me otherwise I would walk away or so my own research on the specific topic.  People now days think they have knowledge about everything and everyone and that’s their opinion and what they think. Others should have their own beliefs not imitate someone who you think is right.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog #1

At one point of my life I grew up thinking everyone around me had the same exact religion. My mom would talk to me about God and Jesus so I thought everyone on this planet believed in the same God I believe in. As I got older I started realizing everyone believes in different things. Some people are even Atheists and believe that a God does not exist.  There are so many religions that I can’t even name them all. With my experience I do respect everyone who doesn’t believe in the same thing I do because they grew up in that way.

I remember when I was about 9 years old I had this girl in my class named Salma, every single person in my class would make fun of her because she dressed differently and because she had a hijab on all the time. They would continue laughing and it would break my heart to see her shed tears because of everyone criticizing her all the time. Sometimes I thought she was just going to explode. So one day I walked up to her thinking my classmates were going to criticize me as well but I didn’t really pay too much mind to it. I finally had the guts to talk to her. I found out as I was speaking to her that she was just like everyone else. She had a good personality and I really liked talking to her. I conversations grew and grew.  She invited me over one day and I would see statues of people with trunks or people with four arms so I asked her what they were and she told me that was what they believed in. she would say that was their Gods. I was so amazed and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought to myself and it doesn’t really matter where you are from or what you believe in everyone id human and deserve to be treated equally. That’s when I realized how different each religion is.